Our Services
Trust the Experience

General Construction
Building construction, building renovation and refurbishment, factory upgrading, design & built for residence and commercial.

Interior Design
Architectural, interior and landscape design, meeting room, living room, dining room, bedroom space and walk-in closet.
(221401) Hiasan Dalaman
(221402) Hiasan Jalan / Kawasan

Mechanical & Electrical
Overhead installation and underground cabling, power protection system, infrastructure electrical services, wiring and CCTV.

Building and office cleaning, landscape cleaning, and property maintenance for residential to commercial and industrial.
(221001) Pembersihan Bangunan Dan Pejabat
(221002) Membersih Kawasan
(221003) Mengangkat Sampah

Supply and Services
Vehicle, water pump, boat, communication, camera and accessories, fertilizers and nutrients, building materials and etc.
(010501) Kamera Dan Aksesori
(020101) Perabot, Perabot Makmal Dan Kelengkapan Berasaskan Kayu / Rotan / Fabrik / Logam / Plastik
(020801) Pakaian
(020802) Kelengkapan Pakaian
(030201) Cenderamata Dan Hadiah
(040102) Makanan Dan Minuman
(070101) Baja Dan Nutrien
(090101) Bahan Binaan
(110601) Bot (110602) Kapal Laut / Kapal Selam
(110603) Alatganti Dan Kelengkapan Bot / Kapal
(110701) Peralatan Marin
(120101) Senjata Api
(120102) Peluru Dan Bom
(120503) Lesen / Pengenalan Dan Pas Keselamatan Bersalut (Laminated)
(210103) Computer Software, Operating System, Database, Off-The-Shelf Pakages Including Maintenance
(210108) Multimedia – Products, Services And Maintenance
(210201) Alat Perhubungan
(220507) Pump / Paip Air Dan Komponen
(220601) Alat Kelengkapan Hospital / Makmal
(221104) Guna Tenaga / Tenaga Buruh
(221503) Kenderaan / Jentera / Kenderaan Rekreasi
(221504) Kapal / Bot / Bot Tunda / Feri / Bot Malim / Barge / Jet Ski / Kapal Selam
(222108) Perladangan, Perikanan, Haiwan Dan Hidupan Liar / Tukun Tiruan
(040101) Makanan Dan Bahan Mentah Kering / Basah

Facility Management
Building & facilities management, contracting services, mobile facilities management, preventive and predictive maintenance.
Construction Jobs
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